Tips on Helping Our ‘Baby Stylists’ Grow 


As freshly graduated stylists, proudly embracing the term ‘baby stylists’, allows us to recognize the value in our fresh beginnings in this world. Acknowledging and embracing this phase means appreciating the learning curve necessary for us to master our craft. What truly matters is the journey from being a new stylist to becoming a seasoned stylist who others can turn to for guidance and inspiration. 

“We know the bare minimum. We lack experience. We’re next to stylists that are amazing. You’re in the chair next to somebody who’s doing amazing work and you can’t even wrap your head around how you’re going to do that.”

Erica Noon, a licensed hairstylist and Bellami Certified Extension Specialist, vividly remembers her first days out of school. She did not know much and did not know where to begin. But, she was always hungry to learn and elevate the experience for the clients in her chair. 

Throughout this episode, Erica shares with us the rookie stylist playbook. For our stylists starting out, this is one to really not miss. 

“Focus on the things that you do really well. Give yourself credit for those things that you do. And handle the rest with a bit of grace, like you’re brand new out of school, you don’t have to be the best of the best. You just have to be progressively getting better.”

“I feel with mistakes you can listen to somebody who is experienced tell you ‘don’t do this because of this’, but until you’ve done it and until you’ve seen the outcome, feel like you’ve failed, that’s when it triggers you. Mistakes are where you build your character behind the chair. They have to happen, they’re going to happen.”

We also learn all about Erica’s tips on finding a mentor in this industry. With her younger self benefiting from the guidance of a mentor, Erica knows the recipe to finding someone who will invest in you as much as you’re investing in them. 

“You are the one in control. You are the professional, you might be a new profession, but you are the professional. You went to school, you paid for the education, and you know what you’re doing. So, you have to take control.” 

Listen to the full episode here or wherever you stream and head over to our Instagrams @Readthetease and @volumeupbythetease.

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Alyssa Santos

Alyssa Santos is an intern at The Tease. She is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she studies marketing, graphic design, and digital studies. Alyssa enjoys channeling her creativity through innovative marketing strategies and both physical and digital art– but is also passionate about expressing her artistic side through makeup and hair.

More from Alyssa Santos


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