Leave it to Zoë Kravitz to deliver red carpet glamour every time. For the 2025 Golden Globes, the actor-director-and-sometime-singer wore her hair in a slicked back, center-parted high bun that was elegant af. Thanks to frequent collaborator Nikki Nelms, the look was giving classic instead of clean girl.
Nelms, celebrated for her incredible editorial work, teamed with Paul Mitchell to make the look happen. Scroll for her exact steps including the Paul Mitchell essentials, tools as well as care and styling products, she used.
Get the Look:
- “I prepared Zoë’s stunning look using the Super Smooth Shampoo and Super Smooth Conditioner from Paul Mitchell.
- After blow-drying her hair with the Paul Mitchell Neuro+ hair dryer, I flat-ironed with the Smooth+ Ceramic Flatiron, ensuring a beautifully silky texture.
- To achieve the sleek, tight bun, I incorporated the Super Skinny Serum from the Smooth collection. I love this product because it not only tames frizz but also gives a perfect shine and a flawless finish.
- Finally, to ensure Zoë’s look remains in place throughout the night, I sealed it all in with the Classic Freeze and Shine Super Spray!”
If you take this classic style for your next client, or for yourself because it’s truly stunning, be sure to tag @readthetease on Instagram or TikTok.