Salon Pros, Revolutionize Your Business with StyleSeat 


Picture the era when we relied on Yelp and vague websites to find the perfect stylist for those coveted hand-painted highlights for textured hair. Back then, there was no seamless way to connect stylists’ artistry with clients’ desires — until StyleSeat. StyleSeat disrupted the beauty and wellness industry, and we are so thankful it did.

This trailblazing service is backed by an equally trailblazing mind — Melody McCloskey. She stepped into this space to solve a problem that not only she constantly experienced, but a problem she saw big for stylists too. Building StyleSeat from the ground up, Melody jumped into the beauty industry, an industry that once you’re in it, you’re in for life. 

“I cannot believe that people are able to achieve what they can achieve with hair and beauty. That was just incredible for me. So it was so fun to build software which I was more familiar with for a community that I was so inspired by and drive impact.” 

In this episode, we delve into Melody’s brainchild and how she grew the company to the groundbreaking platform it is today. StyleSeat serves as a stylists’ very own digital assistant, allowing you to prioritize your craft while watching your business grow

“A message that I want to share with people and with women is anything that you want to do, you can do. And there’s so many amazing resources out there and technology or business success has never been as easy as it is now. So don’t limit yourself.”

With every StyleSeat update, Melody keeps the salon pro top of mind, ensuring each new feature leads to greater business growth. Together, we really dive into how the beauty industry is built on connections and how that translates to achieving your business goals. 

“On average, we triple a professional’s revenue in the first two years of being on the platform. And we do that by giving you everything you need to run your business and supercharging that with AI and a lot of data and interesting technology so that you can focus on your clients and your craft.”

Listen to this podcast to learn more about Melody’s story of how StyleSeat became the powerhouse it is today and discover the entrepreneurial insights she has gathered throughout the years. Plus, after listening to this episode, you’ll get an insider look at the secret program StyleSeat has to offer. 

Listen to the full episode here or wherever you stream and head over to our Instagrams @Readthetease and @volumeupbythetease

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Alyssa Santos

Alyssa Santos is an intern at The Tease. She is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she studies marketing, graphic design, and digital studies. Alyssa enjoys channeling her creativity through innovative marketing strategies and both physical and digital art– but is also passionate about expressing her artistic side through makeup and hair.

More from Alyssa Santos


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