The big 50! Volume Up by The Tease is officially over-the-hill with 50 episodes in the books! For our 50th episode, our producers joined Kelly Ehlers and Jeffrey Lunnen to revisit our guests over the last 50 episodes and see how well the hosts know each other.
To ring in our 50th episode, we were joined by Candour Beauty. Candour Beauty is the first multi-brand beauty and personal care retailer aimed specifically at targeting Black women and women of color. Headquartered in London, Candour Beauty aims to address an underserved market of women who want access to quality beauty and personal care products that specifically target their beauty needs. We were joined by the co-founders Jacqueline Kusamotu and Abi Lawrence-Adesida. Jacqueline and Abi shared their backgrounds, their wonderful journey to meeting and how they started this revolutionary company. They also explain how their company has grown so tremendously as well as where they want to go from here and the important message they are focused on.
Don’t miss out on hearing from these wonderful entrepreneurial women who are taking the beauty industry by storm just a year and a half after launching.
“Fast forward to 2020, it was still the exact same issues, so nothing had moved forward. That gives you the scale and the type of struggles that we have in the beauty space as black women.”
“All orders get a handwritten note because our foundation is love. So we like to give our customers, not just products, we also like to give it with love.”
“We’re still very young, we’re what 18 months, and we still got a long way to go. We have a very strong vision, a huge vision, and I think definitely word of mouth has helped that.”
Listen to the full episode here or wherever you stream.