Dreams to Reality — the Journey of a Hair Show Platform Artist



Have you ever found yourself in awe at a hair show, watching skilled artists command the stage with their creativity and expertise? Perhaps you’ve dreamt of being up there one day, showcasing your talents and contributing to the vibrant world of hairstyling. You’re not alone in this aspiration; countless individuals worldwide share the same dream of making their mark on the hair show circuit.

I vividly remember my first experience at the Toronto ABA hair show. Back then, a budding student in hair school, I was invited to be a hair model for Kat Marcus on the WAHL stage. The excitement was palpable from the moment I stepped into the room. It was then that I knew — I wanted to be part of this world, to someday work for a respected brand and stand confidently on those stages.

Little did I anticipate that fifteen years later, I would not only grace international hair show stages but do so representing my own brand. But let’s rewind those years; it wasn’t an overnight journey. I had to earn my stripes, dedicating countless hours volunteering, learning from mentors, and often investing money I didn’t have to attend shows. From backstage shampoo duties to any task that would grant me insight, I absorbed everything, hoping one day to emulate the platform artists who inspired me.

My breakthrough came with Scruples Hair Care. After submitting a video, I was chosen as one of six inaugural members of the My Indie Hair team. This opportunity led to campaign shoots, educational roles, and the exhilaration of mainstage brand launches. Subsequently, I worked tirelessly with Scruples at numerous hair shows, both backstage and at their booths. This groundwork laid the foundation for my involvement in international hair show circuits, where I continued to volunteer and absorb knowledge.

In 2018, while backstage at London Fashion Week with Electric London, inspiration struck, birthing FASTFOILS — a high-performance foil designed to expedite processing times while protecting the hair integrity. By 2022, FASTFOILS debuted at Orlando Premiere, followed by a presence at Long Beach ISSE. The momentum surged into 2023, where we expanded to the Chicago ABS hair show, boasting a 20 x 40 presentation and educational booth, alongside private classrooms led by our esteemed Director of Education, J Ladner, George Alderete, Amber Maynard, Keya Neal and other industry luminaries.

Being a platform artist isn’t just about showcasing skills; it’s about exploring diverse avenues within our dynamic industry. For those contemplating a leap into this world, I encourage you to reach out to brands you admire, offer your assistance, and express your ambition to become a platform artist. Your dedication and openness to sharing experiences contribute to the strength and innovation of our industry.

To my fellow platform artists and industry enthusiasts, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your passion and commitment inspire me daily, shaping the future of our craft through innovation, education, and technology. If you’re interested in joining our journey at FASTFOILS or seeking to connect with like minded professionals, please reach out. Together, we can continue to elevate and unite our industry for years to come.

Dream big, work hard, and never underestimate the power of your ambitions in the world of hair shows and beyond. I have had the opportunity to share the stage with many icons and legends in this amazing industry and so can you! I strive to work with more of you for years to come.

Until the next show!

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Ben Barkworth

Ben Barkworth is the owner of JUSTB Salon, Toronto and an international award-winning hairstylist with over 15 years of experience. He is also the founder of FASTFOILS and leads with a mission to inspire, educate, create and promote hair health.

More from Ben Barkworth


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