Creating Bridgerton’s Charm: A Hair And Makeup Designer’s Vision With Erika Ökvist


Dearest Gentle Read(the tease)ers, 

At last, we uncover the secrets behind the exquisite hairstyle and makeup of every Lord and Lady of the ton.  It has come to the attention of this author, that the iconic and elaborate looks of this beloved Netflix series, Bridgerton, come from a visionary as powerful as the Queen herself.

In season three, episode twenty-two of Volume Up, we sit down with the Diamond of the Season: Emmy Award winner for character hairstyling and the mastermind behind the Queen’s swan hair,  Erika Ökvist, hair and makeup designer for season three of Bridgerton.

Erika Ökvist’s journey into hair and makeup design began in unconventional ways. Initially aspiring to be a fashion designer, she found herself at film studios designing costumes and sets before discovering her equal passion for hair and makeup.

“As a designer, you have to be absolutely fearless and really, really strong with your final vision and really go for it. And don’t go by half measure, because then it becomes a little bit mad, you just have to go all the way and have that gut in your feeling that, okay it’s scary now, but it’s going to be fine in the end.”

This episode explores how Erika worked to create fantasy rather than reality, ensuring every character isn’t lost in last season’s looks. She found beauty and excitement in the large design scope of the Bridgerton and Regency Era, collaborating with costume teams, set teams, choreography teams and more to make each character’s look a visual symphony. 

With characters needing two, three, or more wigs, we learned how Erika visualized and executed magical transformations on our screens. From details like vision boards, enhancing the sharpness or roundness of faces and a character’s look DNA we got the insider information and inspiration for unforgettable Bridgerton looks. 

This episode is surely the talk of the ton and you dear reader may not want to miss it. 

Listen to the full episode here or wherever you stream, and head over to our Instagrams at @Readthetease and @volumeupbythetease

Yours Truly, 

Lady Tease

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Alyssa Santos

Alyssa Santos is an intern at The Tease. She is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she studies marketing, graphic design, and digital studies. Alyssa enjoys channeling her creativity through innovative marketing strategies and both physical and digital art– but is also passionate about expressing her artistic side through makeup and hair.

More from Alyssa Santos


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