
​Informed by insight, curiosity and commentary, The Tease is a digital destination for all things hair, beauty and pop culture.

We collaborate with a wide range of journalists and haircare experts with diverse backgrounds.

Core Team

The core team behind The Tease works with brands and haircare experts to build partnerships and bring the best knowledge and products to our viewers.

Tease Contributors

Brittney Abrams

Sarah Allard

Ian Baker

Ben Barkworth

Antoinette Beenders

Sam Bell

Chrystofer Benson

Cheryl Bergamy

Gabby Bolgia

Erin BonneyHassell

Tom Borges

Equi Botanics

Brittany Bradley

Maria Brunetta

Manon Bushong

Martha Butterworth

Paul Callaghan

Kristi Carignan

Andrew Carruthers

Ammon Carver

Elisabeth Charney

Sophia Chu

Chrystofer Benson Collective

Kat Collett

Je’Kayla Crawford

Priscila Cunha

Efi Davies

Sonya Dove

Amber Dunfermline


Laura Ehlers

Madeline Elizabeth

Lauren Dana Ellman

Monaé Everett

Liz Fanopoulos

Kristi Faulkner

Skip Fellers

Nousha Flore


Lacy Gadegaard

Sonia Galante

Haley Garber

Esmé Gelder

Samantha Georgson

Cora Gold

Fiona Guzman

Hermosa Hair

Aja Hamilton

Samantha Harman

Marshal is an industry professional and an avid beauty consumer. You can find him covering beauty business, hidden indie gems, and the edgy side of avant garde.

Marshal Hartman-Rohrer

Brooke Helene

Gabrielle Henderson

Quitina High

Cory Hoffman

Clare Holden

Alyshia Hull

Daniel Johnson

Ashlyn Jones

Rita Julien

April Kayganich

Danielle Keasling

Jessica Kidd

Erin Kiely

Em-J Krigsman

Drea Lecher

Kevin Lempp

Jesse Linares

Beth Livesay

Alejandro Lopez

Ashley Luedtke

Jenna Machingo

Abi Markey

Ashlie Marmo

Manny San Martin

Erin H. Maybin

Matthew Mendoza

Amelia Mercado

Ardree Merriweather

Camille Miles

Mckenzie Miller

Jamie Millmather

Liam Mills

Claudia Molinar

Nikita Montgomery

Lisa Moreno

Gina Neilson

Josh O’Meara-Patel

Whitney Parr

Tiffany Pegula

Brittny Pierre

Christi Piontkowski

Sara Pollock

Nicole Pozniak

Charlie Price

Sarah Pruzansky

Theodora Raptis

Haley Reed

Adam Reed

Karla Ress

Liz Rich

Alisha Rimando

Eileen Rodriguez

Amber Rogan

Darcee Rogers

Shannon Romano

Lexie Rose

Meg B. Rowlett

Jas Sanghani

Lauren Santia

Jessica Scott Santo

Alyssa Santos

Christiana Sayyah

Montana Schmidt

Michelle Scrivner

Marina Sellecchia

Cassie Siskovic

Denny Smolinski

Sarah Sommers

Dr. Candace Spann

Rachel Stefanik

Matt Swinney

Roxana Lopez Tinajero

Emily Trampetti

Nina Tulio

Sue Tyrrell

Lindsey Uhrig

Demetress Valentine

Anaya Vance

Shellie Vega

Sam Villa

Jeannetta Walker-Rodgers

Anna Watters

Dwan V. White

Jayme Williams

Ali Wilson

Corbin Woessner

Quothia Wolf

Norm Wright

Miki Wright

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