BBR Beauty Summit: A Soul-Stice to Remember!


June 21st wasn’t just a summer solstice, it was a historic moment for the beauty industry and a groundbreaking event for Black Beauty Roster (BBR). The first in-person BBR Beauty Summit since the inaugural virtual event in 2021!

This wasn’t your typical industry gathering. It was a room buzzing with energy — industry newbies, seasoned veterans, and powerful players — too many to mention, all gathered at Meta with a unified purpose: to elevate inclusivity in the beauty industry. And let me tell you, Black Beauty Roster and Meta absolutely did that!

The BBR Beauty Summit Powered by Instagram wasn’t just an event, it was an intentional space for community building. It was a masterclass in organic connection, bringing together a room full of passionate individuals who are dedicated to their craft while also paving the way for future generations. Talk about powerful!

The energy was electric. Conversations were real, honest, and insightful. The unison of “mmhmm’s” and “yeses” filled the room, amplifying the impact of every word. It was a powerful reminder of the deep cultural influence of Black beauty, a paradigm that has continuously shaped trends, politics, and innovation.

This event was a full-circle moment for me. In January 2021, a friend put me on to BBR, I knew something game-changing was underway. Of course, I signed up immediately and have witnessed in real-time, the platform’s incredible growth, further confirming its need. BBR has transcended expectations, masterfully showcasing the immense talent of the artists they represent.

When I started my career, joining a prestigious roster was a main goal. Little did I know, I’d end up on one that not only recognizes my talent but also celebrates my cultural identity. That’s the power of BBR — acknowledging the intersections and nuances of the beauty industry, while placing talent at the forefront.

Founder, Maude Okrah Hunter, is a true visionary. Her mission to champion inclusivity and opportunity in the beauty industry is one we should all wholeheartedly support. She’s a leader by example, opening doors and connecting the dots for countless individuals. This is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to see what BBR has up next!

P.S. The swag bag was next-level dopeness! Can’t wait to put my new Wet Brush Go Green Curl Detangling Brush to the test. (For real, their Shine Brush is a game-changer, so my expectations are high!)

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Erin H. Maybin

Erin H. Maybin is a licensed Cosmetologist in NY, Pa & Ca, Educator, Advocate, and influential member of the NYS Appearance Enhancement Advisory Committee. As EVP of Education Development and co-founder of the Natural Hairstyle & Braid Coalition Erin spearheads the transformation of textured hair education in both private and public sectors. Her groundbreaking initiative, Hair S.T.E.A.M. LAB™ is an education platform that explores the science and artistry of hair using steam.

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