There’s nothing we love more than a giveaway, especially when it’s for a good cause. That’s why we are so excited to share the news about an incredible prize package that’s currently up for grabs.
In an effort to help salon owners future-proof and transform their salon business, six cutting-edge beauty industry brands — Vish,, Sustain Beauty Co, Canvas ME, Qnity, and Green Circle Salons have joined forces for The Great Collaboration — an exciting giveaway that will be awarded to one lucky beauty business, at the end of January 2022. As for the incredible prize at stake? Well, the prize package includes a collaboration between all six of the brands in which each brand will be offering up free services (valued at $26,000) to help the winning salon improve their operating efficiency, reduce waste, and maximize their business potential. Trust us, when we say that this prize has the potential to completely change the trajectory of your salon’s business!
By coming together for this giveaway, these six brands hope to amplify their message that salon owners are not alone.
“The beauty industry needs to prepare for rapid change that is coming. Disruptor brands and services are already here that could seriously impact salon businesses. It is unrealistic and unfair to leave the burden of change solely on the service providers,” said Joshua Howard, CEO of Vish Color Management. “At Vish, we believe suppliers and manufacturers need to shine a light on how to strengthen salon businesses and so are delighted to team up with other like-minded innovators to possible routes to greater security.”
“Being sustainable isn’t just about cutting back on energy or chemicals; it’s also about ensuring your business has a long and prosperous future ahead,” says Valorie Tate, co-founder of Sustain Beauty Co. “This collaboration will allow one lucky salon winner to improve chair occupancy, gain a competitive edge in recruiting talent, capture missed revenue opportunities, reduce waste, level up their business and financial acumen, cut back on chemical use and so much more!”
“All of these are first steps to future-proofing the industry and together they make a huge impact,” adds Erin Kuhn, President of Qnity. “What salons stand to gain from this package is almost unimaginable.”
As mentioned, each brand involved will provide key services to the one winning salon chosen by the group. Vish will provide all hardware, education, and onboarding required along with a size-month subscription, while will use targeted AI-driven texts and emails to fill last-minute openings and cancellations for a full year. Sustain Beauty Co. will provide a kit including Ping Color Mixer (a Pro Care machine with a case of foils) and Scrumm’s biodegradable items. Green Circle Salons will deliver lifetime membership, six-month subscription, PPE, and salon waste recovery toolkit, and all training. Canvas ME will include a one year subscription with up to three job postings a month, a business page, and account support, while Qnity is providing six months of free coaching utilizing their full suite of visual tools to create lasting results in sales growth, profitability, engagement execution, and more.
“We believe in community and by coming together we will provide our collective solutions and expertise to help the industry,” said Matt and Jen Martinelli, co-founders of Canvas ME. “While only one salon will receive the collaborative package, we hope this inspires many salons and the industry at large about the many resources they can take advantage of to move towards a stronger future for everyone.”
If you’re a salon pro who’s interested in entering The Great Collaboration giveaway, be sure to head over to their official website. You have until January 15th to enter. Good luck!