This week’s guest was the Energizing Summit Presenter for the Board of Certified Haircolorists (The BCH), Jessee Skittrall. Jessee talked to Kelly Ehlers about his life in a family of hairstylists and educators, to nails, to hairdresser, to educator and beyond. He explained how he has been a part of every section of the industry and how his experience set him up for where he is now.
Jesse gave the rundown on the BCH online certification test and program. He explained how the company came to be and what they are doing to revamp the process for the online world as well as making it exclusive to everyone.
Jesse provided his insight on where he thinks the industry is heading in the future as well as how the board and his apprenticeship programs are heading to keep up with the times and be prepared for the future.
Don’t miss out on hearing the inside details on the new certification test as well as his tips to becoming successful with wherever you want to be in the industry.
“Oh, it’s been an interesting journey. Because I couldn’t, I couldn’t have written this, even if I tried. I could not have planned this, even if I tried.”
“I get anywhere from three to four requests daily for more information, and I just can’t create the information fast enough and get back to people and people are getting upset because I can’t respond fast enough.”
“But I think we’re gonna see some technology shifts more than anything else.”
“This is about serving the industry number one and making sure that the effort goes, we want to have a legacy company, we want to have something that lives on past us.”
Listen to the full episode here or wherever you stream.